Water - Amplifying Voices https://amplifyingvoices.uk/tag/water Getting people talking, listening and taking action Tue, 16 Jul 2024 14:35:09 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AV_LOGO_FAVICON_RGB-01-150x150.png Water - Amplifying Voices https://amplifyingvoices.uk/tag/water 32 32 The Power of Ubuntu https://amplifyingvoices.uk/the-power-of-ubuntu Thu, 02 Mar 2023 13:01:09 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=5176 A remote village in Maharashtra, India, comes together in the spirit of 'ubuntu' to resolve a crippling water crisis.

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Having grown up in southern Africa, I am very familiar with the concept of “ubuntu”, which was popularised by people like Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela. It’s a concept used in many Bantu languages and is part of a phrase which translates something like, “I am because you are.” In English a good way to think of it is, “the power of us.”  It nurtures the idea that communities are one of the strongest building blocks of society, especially when they act together. Ubuntu recognises that communities have innate strengths and can drive development themselves by identifying and mobilising existing, but often unrecognised assets.

In our work at Amplifying Voices, we aim to foster this idea of Ubuntu in communities by equipping them with media tools, to get people talking, listening, and taking action, to improve local health, well-being and resilience.  So I’m always thrilled when I hear stories of where this is happening, as it is in one community of indigenous (Adivasi) people in a remote village of Maharastra.
A year ago my daughter, Amy and I joined the Adivasi Voices Project (AVP) team in the small village of Khobrakahandol, where they had been working since 2020.  Working closely with the community and service providers to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing them, they had begun to see some remarkable changes: the establishment of a self-help savings group; people setting up kitchen gardens to grow vegetables; improvements in health due to better hygiene and sanitation; more children going to school, especially girls.  But on the day we visited, there was only one thing on the villager’s minds. Water!  After a long spell without rain, the village was reeling from drought.
They insisted that we accompany them on the very long journey they had to walk several times a day, down a very steep incline, to find the water to fill their pitchers. On the walk back, and out of breath from the exertion, one of the ladies smiled at us saying, “I do this walk at least five times a day and with a water pitcher on my head.”
Over the course of the next nine months the AVP team worked with the community to make programmes in which they discussed the water problems and what they could do about it and how they should use their voice to make their needs known.  Led by Sonu, a local barber and activist, the community put pressure on the local water department and the Panchayat Samiti a local government body, to assist them in their hardship. The AVP team for their part continued to support the community in their advocacy, inspiring them to keep talking to officials and helping them to understand their rights through conversations, information programmes and dramas played on speakerboxes.
Finally on 2nd February, a machine was sent by the local government to begin drilling for water.  Yesterday I received pictures of the completed well and a delighted community, who, because they discovered the power of ubuntu, learned that together they can bring about change.  Or in the words of community activist Sonu, “We did this!”

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What does peace look like to you? https://amplifyingvoices.uk/what-does-peace-look-like-to-you Wed, 23 Nov 2022 15:00:37 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=4673 Although Soot Semee started off as a peacebuilding project, its programmes don't stop at conflict prevention. They enable an environment where people can flourish. So what does peace look like for community members?

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Soot Semee (Voice of Compassion) is a peacebuilding project that brings people together through speakerbox podcastsA speakerbox, or portable digital audio player plays podcasts stored on TF memory cards slotted into the back of the device. Soot Semee operates in the Omugo 4 refugee settlement in northern Uganda.

Last week the Soot Semee coordinators organised two days of community-centred media workshops to train new volunteers and to refresh the existing team’s skills. As well as learning media skills such as how to record interviews and make effective community service announcements (CSAs), the training workshop includes time to reflect on community goals for development and exploring opportunities to work together in other “off-air” activities. To mark the end of the training the community organised a peace-friendly football match.

So what exactly does Soot Semee mean by “peacebuilding”?

Soot Semee people

Soot Semee volunteer team, Nov 2022

Peacebuilding is sometimes understood as aiming for a cessation of armed conflict. However, it is important to know what everyday peace looks like to the community members involved. You might pause for a moment and ask yourself:

“If I were to think about my own situation, rather than geo-political events, what does peace look like to me?”

This is the sort of exercise that the organisation Everyday Peace Indicators does regularly in their mission to build bridges between communities and the diverse organisations working to build peace.

Taking a cue from their work, we asked this question to several community members in Omugo 4. The responses are interestingly varied:

Susan – “Peace is like staying good calmly with love”.

Idoru – “Peace is like for example if you have a wife, and you understand each other very well, that’s how peace looks like”.

Maka – ‘Peace is when there is always enough food at home

Moses – “To me something called peace, is like when you stay well with other people, with good security and no fear, that’s peace”.

Isaac– “Peace is when you live in a place that has no war”

Alfred – “peace is when there is money at home”

Margret– “peace is when every family member embraces love for one another”.

Simon – “Peace is when you live without threatening words of ending someone’s life. You stay stress free”.

Florence – “Peace is when you have everything at home”

Mary – “What also looks like peace is when someone wrongs you, then you don’t need to keep it in your heart because you want to pay back, but instead show your goodness to him or her”.

Click play to hear community members voice their responses in Bari and Juba Arabic.

You may have noticed that only one response refers to war, and just one other refers to threat of violence. The rest of the responses refer to relationships, food security and wellbeing.

Our partners, Community Development Centre, who lead the Soot Semee project, also belong to the South Sudanese refugee community they serve. They understand that building a place where peace can thrive means addressing all these everyday aspects of peace. This is reflected in Soot Semee’s programme planning and the associated off-air activities outlined below.

Peace and the environment

This month, Soot Semee audio programmes will address environmental issues, while community volunteers have organised activities to clear up plastic bottles and bags from Omugo 4 village. They have also made plans to plant new trees.

Trees contribute to a more resilient natural environment. They can also help reduce violence. A lack of trees has led, in some cases, to conflict over places to collect firewood.

In December, Soot Semee volunteers will focus on wellness with programmes promoting hygiene and sanitation. The volunteers have also organised days to clean up the water collection points along with the locally organised water management committees. Clean water and good hygiene also contribute to everyday peace as it is defined by the Omugo 4 community members.

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Radio programme that dug a new borehole https://amplifyingvoices.uk/radio-programme-that-dug-a-new-borehole Thu, 14 Apr 2022 13:15:45 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=3864 When radio programmes highlighted an isolated community's struggles to access fresh water, a local donor stepped in, wanting to assist as part of her Ramadan preparations, so that the community could to drill a new borehole.

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If you’ve been following the Facebook page of Amplifying Voices Pakistan, you’ll have seen this story unfold over the last few weeks. But we feel it’s a story worth re-telling. It’s the story of a radio programme that dug a new borehole!

Since November last year a new partner organisation, Community Media Power, founded by Amplifying Voices Pakistan, has been making radio programmes based on conversations in two or three isolated communities outside Nowshera. In one of these programmes, community members talked about the efforts they have to go to to fetch water. A listener was moved by the story and decided to help the community do something about it.

The community lives in an informal settlement that was built about 40 years ago by people who had fled from their homes in Afghanistan. The current residents, numbering around 50-60 families, have still not been fully integrated into the wider community. However, at some point several years ago, someone did dig a couple of boreholes to provide clean water. The pipes lining the boreholes have since rusted and one of the pumps has lost its handle. With no fresh water available locally, community members had to cross a railway track and walk to another community to fetch water, where they were not always welcome and sometimes chased away.

Community Media Power created a radio programme with the community voices telling this story and a local FM station in Nowshera aired the programme. A woman, who was looking for a suitable way to give charitably in preparation for Ramadan, heard the story and decided to get in touch. She said that if the community could get the work started before Ramadan, she would pay for a new borehole and repairs to the other two.

The new borehole has been located near the mosque, with a solar powered pump, a 1000-gallon storage tank so that water is always available from the borehole via taps. This has an additional benefit of providing water for worshipers washing before prayers. The broken boreholes have had the metal lining removed and replaced with more durable plastic pipe lining, and the pump mechanism refurbished.

Men feeding plastic lining into new borehole

Community volunteers feed plastic lining into new borehole, Nowshera, March 2022

It only took a week to dig the new borehole, drilling down to 150ft to ensure a good supply of clean water. When the new borehole was ready, the community held a celebration event, to which the donor also came. She gave a radio interview via Community Media Power, encouraging others to do something similar, providing communities with means to develop themselves.

We know that a radio programme cannot actually dig a borehole, but we continue to be encouraged by the power of community-centred radio programmes to advocate for communities whilst also mobilising the community members to take action locally.

Installing borehole - Video courtesy of Community Media Power and Amplifying Voices

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An Everyday Hero of Freetown https://amplifyingvoices.uk/an-everyday-hero-of-freetown Tue, 29 Jun 2021 00:00:40 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=2962 After meeting a team from Amplifying Voices’ local partner, Dennis from Sierra Leone became inspired to positively impact his community by becoming a champion of change. Dennis is from the New England area of the capital. His neighbourhood is teeming with people. After hundreds of thousands flocked to Freetown following the civil war, people made…

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After meeting a team from Amplifying Voices’ local partner, Dennis from Sierra Leone became inspired to positively impact his community by becoming a champion of change.

Dennis is from the New England area of the capital. His neighbourhood is teeming with people. After hundreds of thousands flocked to Freetown following the civil war, people made do with homes lacking basic facilities like running water or electricity. Unemployment remains high, and the economy struggles on. Dennis could see the need but wasn’t sure what he could do.

Amplifying Voices partners with the Believers Broadcasting Network (BBN)* in Sierra Leone. Together, we’re supporting a community project named Amplifying Voices through SALT to strengthen community health, wellbeing, and resilience.

Gathering together a strong group of volunteers from the community, clinic, and churches, the SALT team goes out to seven areas of Freetown and regularly meets people in their homes. The team listen to people’s concerns, strengths, and hopes.

It was during one of these visits that Dennis met the team. The SALT ethos – Strengthen, Amplify, Listen and Transform – resonated with Dennis, and soon he became a regular volunteer.

Speaking to his community, Dennis was passionate to do something about the water situation in the New England district. But he knew he couldn’t do it alone. It takes a shift in community mindset to make lasting change.

Dennis began encouraging other young people to get involved. The SALT team, BBN, and Amplifying Voices continues to help people build on their strengths to influence change. BBN featured Dennis on a few of its radio programs, where he echoed local stories and challenges people faced with the lack of water. By representing his community, he invites others to become part of the change they want to see.

Since coming on board, Dennis has proactively engaged with the Ministry of Water to get access to more deprived settlements of Freetown. As a result, this has recently lead to the installation of several water tanks and wells.

Celebrating Dennis’ enthusiasm and example, the SALT team is reporting more community members engaging in these kinds of initiatives.

Stories like this encourage the other communities to invite the SALT team in, demonstrating the power of community-centred media to others. People are being empowered to champion their own social change.

The featured image of this article is representational.

*BBN set up the SALT ministry in 2015 in response to the devastating Ebola outbreak which heavily weakened Sierra Leone’s already fragile health system. SALT is a strengths-based approach to improving health and promoting community healing, integrated with radio broadcasts.

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“You’ve given us the gift of life!” https://amplifyingvoices.uk/youve-given-us-the-gift-of-life Wed, 24 Feb 2021 11:20:00 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=2259 As far back as she can remember, Sunita has been collecting water for her family. Instead of playing as a carefree child, she had to walk to the river, fill up large vessels, and carry them back to the small Maharashtran village of Kobada, India. This arduous task would become one of her lifetime duties.…

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As far back as she can remember, Sunita has been collecting water for her family. Instead of playing as a carefree child, she had to walk to the river, fill up large vessels, and carry them back to the small Maharashtran village of Kobada, India.

This arduous task would become one of her lifetime duties. She would have to collect water several times a day to provide the 20 litres her family needed to survive. This task would not only rob her of the opportunity to go to school, but years later it would take its toll on her health with the repetitive strain of carrying heavy water loads on her head each day.

Water, the gift of life

But that all changed for Sunita and her entire community this week. Working with our partners, Seva, we helped provide Wello water wheels for each family in the village. 

“You have given us the gift of life,” Sunita said. “Now I can spend my life doing more productive things, and it will also relieve the burden from my children.”

The “Wello Water” is a simple water barrel in the shape of a wheel. It can deliver more than enough water for an entire family’s needs for a whole day.

Fullness of life through local partner initiatives

This distribution is part of the Adivasi Voices Project, an initiative to provide remote indigenous (Adivasi) communities with speaker boxes containing audio content that can transform lives. 

Using local voices, stories, drama, interviews, and music, the programmes entertain, educate and inform, as well as provide a safe space for community voices to be heard. This stimulates conversations and ideas on how local challenges and problems can be resolved.

Adivasi community gather together and discuss local issues, creating content for the speaker boxes.

With local-dialect dramas, music, and audio programmes that educate, inform and entertain, the ‘Adivasi Voices Project’ is an innovative way to help get communities talking and taking action.

The team leader, Shilpa reports that an extensive evaluation done recently, demonstrates that the project has been a huge success where the speaker boxes have been distributed.

“In remote parts, many communities don’t have access to radio, television or even mobile phones. Many can’t read,” she says. “But since we started distributing speaker boxes, we have seen dramatic changes in health, sanitation, education, and livelihoods,” she adds.

The Adivasi Voices project is a partnership initiative between Seva and Amplifying Voices. Over the next three years, we hope to reach out to more than 53 villages with a vision to serve them so that they may enjoy the fullness of life.

Follow the story

Do you want to be the first to hear about more exciting developments within our Adivasi Voices Project? Scroll down to subscribe to our newsletter below. If you want to read about what else our India team have been up to lately, click here.

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Rising voices in Omugo Zone https://amplifyingvoices.uk/rising-voices-in-omugo-zone Tue, 04 Feb 2020 22:27:55 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=1887 Just over a week ago, the Soot Semee team in Northern Uganda handed out first Soot Semee podcasts on memory cards to a community of South Sudanese refugees. At the same time, they distributed speakerboxes so that over 100 groups of around 10-20 people each can listen to the podcasts together. One of the community…

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Just over a week ago, the Soot Semee team in Northern Uganda handed out first Soot Semee podcasts on memory cards to a community of South Sudanese refugees. At the same time, they distributed speakerboxes so that over 100 groups of around 10-20 people each can listen to the podcasts together. One of the community members said

Marketplace speakerbox. Omugo zone. CDC 2020

Marketplace speakerbox. Omugo zone. CDC 2020

“This is a bright and beautiful day for us in [our community]…these speakerboxes would be to us a school and that kind of voice we missed in the community.“

In the community trading centre, Soot Semee set up a large PA-sized speakerbox to play the podcasts. Barnabas from Soot Semee told me:

“We learned from the trading centre that people with smart phones came to transfer [the podcast] to their phones. Listening groups are also contributing content this time and we had a lot of recordings.”

Over 1000 people will have listened in the first week. I also had a chance to listen! And the first episode certainly started with plenty energy and ambition!


Right from the start the podcast is packed with community voices. Soot Semee aims to build peace in communities that have suffered too long from conflict. Local journalists start the podcast off with a roundup of the week’s news from South Sudan, keeping people up to date with the peace process. Local musicians sing a song promoting peace. Villagers introduce themselves and share their opinions on issues affecting their day to day lives. NGOs and local government offices provide information about services and job opportunities.


A community leader tells us that a big problem facing her neighbourhood is the lack of water. Tank 53 is shared between the host and refugee communities. The water needs to be boiled before being safe to drink. Most families only have one saucepan which they use for cooking. And there is a shortage of firewood. So how can they boil the water? She feels frustrated by unfulfilled promises made to provide new water sources. They want to live peacefully alongside the host communities, but both communities feel the tension as access to resources gets more difficult.

South Sudanese refugees collect water. Bidi Bidi, Northern Uganda. Photo: HCR, 2019

South Sudanese refugees collect water. Bidi Bidi, Northern Uganda. Photo: HCR, 2019


Next is an interview with a Ugandan community member who also gets water from Tank 53. He explains that they treat their water with a purification solution before drinking. He goes on to talk about normal practices of locals charging a fee to help at a key river crossing. The language barrier is clear between interviewer and interviewee so there is a lot of double checking what each other actually said. But they persevere because it’s important for the refugees to understand the norms, so conflicts don’t flare up over people feeling exploited.

Soot Semee interviews community members at river crossing. Omugo zone. Photo: CDC, 2020

Soot Semee interviews community members at river crossing. Omugo zone. Photo: CDC, 2020


The podcast finishes with a tense drama produced and acted by a local drama team. Opening with the sound of running water we are soon immersed in a heated argument in a language I don’t understand. But for sure, we are back to the issue of water. In the drama an NGO worker arrives who doesn’t speak the local language, so he speaks English. A community leader translates for him. She calls people together and they have a meeting to hear what the community wants, and to help them come up with ideas that could help reduce the tension. The meeting finishes and a much more relaxed conversation happens around the running water. It’s a drama. But it reflects the hope and real possibility that community members will find a way for peaceful co-existence.


The first programme has set a high bar! But people in these communities know all too personally, the price of conflict, and they seem determined to make the most of the opportunity for building peace that is offered through the Soot Semee podcasts.

This week, as the team came back to the community, they found people were waiting for them

“with joy and happiness to receive the next [podcast].”

At HCR, we are also hopeful that these podcasts become a tool for lasting peace as people continue to restore shattered lives together.

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“You kept your promise!” https://amplifyingvoices.uk/2019-6-22-you-kept-your-promise Sat, 22 Jun 2019 11:46:16 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.net/2019-6-22-you-kept-your-promise What a joy to be back in the remote Maharashtran village of Kahandol in time to celebrate the inauguration of their two new wells.  Just four months earlier I had been standing on a dried up riverbed with my Indian colleagues, Shilpa, Sam and Akshay and the head of the village, Patil Ramdas Warde.  Ramdas told us how the drought had brought great hardship to his village, with only 28 days of water, and he had asked us if there was anything we could do to help …

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What a joy to be back in the remote Maharashtran village of Kahandol in time to celebrate the inauguration of their two new wells.  Just four months earlier I had been standing on a dried up riverbed with my Indian colleagues, Shilpa, Sam and Akshay and the head of the village, Patil Ramdas Warde.  Ramdas told us how the drought had brought great hardship to his village, with only 28 days of water, and he asked us if there was anything we could do to help.

Amplifying Voices began working with Seva Social Welfare Foundation (Seva) in January 2018, with a vision to use a community-centred media approach to transform indigenous tribal communities, known as Adivasis, who are some of the most disadvantaged people in the country.  “In the last 10 months since the first audio programmes were distributed we have seen a dramatic decline in many illnesses as people have changed their habits around water, sanitation and hygiene,” Shilpa Shinde Seva’s chief executive told me.  Besides monthly health camps, the community have been receiving creative audio programmes on “speakerboxes” (Mp3 players) which have already brought about significant change on a range of issues ranging from health and hygiene to livelihoods and the importance of educating female children.

But it was the water crisis that has focused the attention of the Seva team for the last four months, during which time they facilitated the sinking of two wells and tanks that will mean the village will never lack for water again.

After colourful tribal dances and music played on traditional instruments followed by a community meal, Ramdas turned to me and said, “This water has given the gift of life to this community for generations to come.  You came back.  You kept your promise.  Thank you!”

In September we will be facilitating a major evaluation to assess how the project has impacted the community with a view to scaling the project up to reach many more tribal villages across the state and then across the country.

If you would like to support this project or would like further information please contact us

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“We didn’t realize that our voice was so effective and strong!” https://amplifyingvoices.uk/2019-5-12-we-didnt-realise-our-voice-was-so-effective Mon, 13 May 2019 08:52:28 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.net/2019-5-12-we-didnt-realise-our-voice-was-so-effective Change is happening and its infectious! The development changes we have seen in the last few months in Majukay, a community in Charsadda, Pakistan, were almost unimaginable 4 years ago when the community members set ambitious goals for being a healthy thriving society. It feels like a corner has been turned, and the change is gaining momentum.

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Change is happening and its infectious! The development changes we have seen in the last few months in Majukay, a community in Charsadda, Pakistan, were almost unimaginable 4 years ago when the community members set ambitious goals for being a healthy thriving society. It feels like a corner has been turned, and the change is gaining momentum.

  • The main street leading into the village is being upgraded with a concrete surface. Until a few months ago it was a rough, soil track scarred with ditches and puddles.

  • A new transformer is soon to be installed. This summer people can enjoy a cool breeze from their fans. Previously the low capacity in the electricity supply meant people suffered in the heat with fans running at tortoise speed.

  • man spraying street

    Community volunteer sprays against dengue. KPK, Apr 2019

    The local administration has agreed to spray the community to prevent mosquitoes from breeding and spreading Dengue fever. Summer heat is on its way and with it the risk of Dengue increases.

Structural development like this doesn’t happen easily because of bureaucratic inertia. But something new has happened in the last year few months. Local authorities have started to release funds for development as they pay new attention to the community needs, and to the appetite for change.  Other are taking notice too. Nearby villages want to know how to bring similar changes to their own communities.

“It is all due to our radio program and WhatsApp group”

Zahid Ullah Zahid, who heads the Naway Saher Community Services Group

Man in Studio with Green wall behind

Councillor in NS Studio, April 2019. HCR Pakistan

Naway Saher formed a small radio production team, trained by HCR Pakistan, and, since November 2018, they have been broadcasting a community radio programme in Pushto language on a local FM station. The village voice is getting louder and stronger through radio and it reached the ears of the district councillor.  He decided to support the new structural developments and even came to be interviewed in the radio studio.

“We didn’t realize that our voice was so effective and strong”

Quote from one of the newly trained production team members

So far the Majukay story has been one of gradual change. People have been coming together to discuss issues and establish unity. Less and less people have the mindset that nothing will happen and only the government should do everything. Naway Saher (New Dawn) Community Services Group, supported by HCR Pakistan, has held community workshops, village committees, and youth sports events. Village elders have given their support. Families have started boiling water for drinking to avoid illness from contaminated water sources. In 2016 HCR Pakistan supported the community to dig a well and the well has been giving clean water since. People come from far away to get the only clean drinking water and are claiming that it is a miracle as the water never stops giving odorless good water.

The Majukay story is spreading – upwards, outwards and inwards.

“More people are joining with us” says Zahid Ullah. Not only are surrounding villages wanting to see similar changes, but more people from within the community want to get involved.

HCR Pakistan is seeking funding to help Naway Saher become even more inclusive, with more media content created for and by women and girls.

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“Only 28 days until the water runs out!” https://amplifyingvoices.uk/2019-2-13-only-28-days-until-the-water-runs-out Wed, 13 Feb 2019 01:22:29 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.net/2019-2-13-only-28-days-until-the-water-runs-out “Only 28 days until the water runs out”, says Patil Ramdas Warde, the leader of a village in Maharashtra. Such is the plight of many tribal communities across the county. The lack of rain has led to major crop failure. Eighty per cent of the rice plantations have failed to yield a harvest. As the Patil – meaning ‘village head’ – shared his worries with us, the need of the Adivasi Village Project became increasingly apparent.

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Says Patil Ramdas Warde, the leader of a village in Maharashtra. Such is the plight of many tribal communities across the county. The lack of rain has led to major crop failure. Eighty per cent of the rice plantations have failed to yield a harvest. As the Patil – meaning ‘village head’ – shared his worries with us, the need of the Adivasi Village Project became increasingly apparent.

The dichotomy of India

India is the fastest growing economy in the world, yet when we went to pay for our hotel stay in Nashik, reception could not accept an international credit card. We experienced similar problems trying to withdraw cash from ATMs. As I upload this blog using 4G from my mobile hotspot, villages 10 kilometres from here do not have a sustainable water supply. It is such a bizarre phenomenon to be surrounded by all the technology of the modern age yet know basic needs for daily living are lacking around us. But there is an incredible opportunity here for positive social change using media.

Amplifying Voices is working with Seva Social Welfare Foundation to bring health, education, and social development through the “speaker boxes” project.The speaker-MP3 players, provided to every family in the village, are filled with informative and entertaining programmes to help alleviate the problems that come from dirty water, non-nutritional food, and lack of sanitation healthcare.

“Speaker boxes” making an astonishing impact

It is six months since the “speaker boxes” were first distributed, and already the impact is astonishing.

 “People are changing their habits. There is good hygiene now, people are boiling water, and there are fewer stomach problems than before,” says the Patil. He told us that the tribe learned how to construct a dam through the Adivasi Village Project.

“Without your programmes, we would have already run out of water.”

Patil Ramdas also told us that when the monsoon does arrive in June, and the reservoir begins to fill, the first rain collected in the dam makes people very sick. Seva is now supplying chlorine tablets to prevent cholera and other common diseases after the first rainfall.

But now the urgent need is to find a specialist on-the-ground group to come and aid the village – drilling a well would mean they never run out of water again.

Patil Ramdas is concerned for his community.

Patil Ramdas is concerned for his community.

Patil Ramdas is concerned for his community.

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“Better than Nestle’s!” – Clean water brings health to Pakistan community https://amplifyingvoices.uk/2016-11-21-better-than-nestl-clean-water-brings-health-to-pakistan-community Mon, 21 Nov 2016 08:14:05 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.net/2016-11-21-better-than-nestl-clean-water-brings-health-to-pakistan-community By Jon Hargreaves “You have lost me my business,” health clinic owner,  Zahid jokingly tells HCR Pakistan director Hazeen Latif.   He was speaking at the opening of the new drinking well in his village, provided by HCR, funded by an Australian church.  “Since this well opened three weeks ago,” Zahid says, “I am selling less…

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By Jon Hargreaves

“You have lost me my business,” health clinic owner,  Zahid jokingly tells HCR Pakistan director Hazeen Latif.   He was speaking at the opening of the new drinking well in his village, provided by HCR, funded by an Australian church.  “Since this well opened three weeks ago,” Zahid says, “I am selling less Flagyl because fewer people are having stomach problems.”  With a smile on his face he says, “this water is even better than Nestlé’s.”  The well project was a result of a consultation facilitated by HCR which identified some of the main needs facing the community. 

Schoolboy tries the clean drinking water from the new well in his village, KPK province, Pakistan

Schoolboy tries the clean drinking water from the new well in his village, KPK province, Pakistan

HCR has been working in this village in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province since 2013, helping the community understand and tackle their health and social development challenges.  “It has been such a privilege to walk alongside this community for the last three years and feel like I’m part of them,” says Hazeen.  “During that time we’ve seen some great things happen, like the medical camp that HCR sponsored with a local partner. We also sponsored a community cricket match and have done a micro-enterprise project, “he added,”but perhaps the most difficult time was when a nearby school was attacked by terrorists and I experienced the grief the community was going through.”

HCR has been working in Pakistan in development and disaster response since 2013, with a vision of seeing whole of life transformation in some of the most challenging places in the country.

Well-digging in KPK, Pakistan is very manual (Video)

Well-digging in KPK, Pakistan is very manual (Video)

The post “Better than Nestle’s!” – Clean water brings health to Pakistan community appeared first on Amplifying Voices.
