WhatsApp - Amplifying Voices https://amplifyingvoices.uk/tag/whatsapp Getting people talking, listening and taking action Wed, 29 Jan 2025 11:43:00 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/AV_LOGO_FAVICON_RGB-01-150x150.png WhatsApp - Amplifying Voices https://amplifyingvoices.uk/tag/whatsapp 32 32 Bright Home – Cholistan https://amplifyingvoices.uk/bright-home-cholistan-pakistan Tue, 16 Jul 2024 12:39:11 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=6044 Amplifying Voices Pakistan supports communities in Cholistan to set up vocational skills centres integrated with community-centred media.

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Roshni-Ro-Ghar (Bright Home)

Our partner, Amplifying Voices Pakistan is working with a Marwari community in the desert region, Cholistan, to create new opportunies for women and young people. New Hope is one of the Bright Home group of projects, integrating community-centred media with vocational skills classes and other off-air activities

Bright Home (Roshni ro Ghar in Marwari) provides vocational classes for women or young people. In partnership with regional health care providers, health camps provide advice, medical checkup and basic medication.

Media training provides women an additional route for building skills, self confidence, and for participating more widely in community life and wider society.

Women and young people from the community use media skills to create audio content that promotes social developments, good health and hygiene, and supports livelihood development. Content is aired via speakerbox and WhatsApp, with a view to providing FM radio content as skills grow.


Pastor Lazur heard about Roshan Ghar in Sargodha from a WhatsApp group in June 2023 and invited Amplifying Voices Pakistan to help set up a Bright Home project a Marwari village near Rahim Yar Khan, on the the edge of the Cholistan desert.

woman walking in desert

Bright Home projects aim to build foundations for trust, by creating livelihood opportunities and addressing health concerns before engaging in media.

During earlier projects in we found that media activities can be sensitive. Local power-brokers are suspicious when minority figures suddenly gain prominence.  Working primarily with minority Marwari people in a multi-ethnic region, Roshni-ro-Ghar activities encourage participation from across the Hindu, Muslim and Christian communities.

Our Role:

Provide support to Amplifying Voices Pakistan for project planning, including funding proposals and design of participatory community-based research and learning.

Read more about Amplifying Voices Pakistan.

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Transitioning from sewing classes to live radio may seem like an odd route for a project to take. ...
Two women in radio studio

Amplifying with care

Through Bright Home groups, Amplifying Voices Pakistan promotes change at a pace that allows time for long-held cultural ...
a woman planting seeds

From rage to peace

Taking part in a "Bright Home" group helped six sisters to overcome their rage at having “nothing to ...
Six sisters in front of their home

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Bright Home – Sargodha https://amplifyingvoices.uk/bright-home-sargodha Wed, 24 Aug 2022 15:24:12 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=5330 Amplifying Voices Pakistan supports communities in Sargodha to set up vocational skills centres integrated with community-centred media.

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Roshan Ghar (Bright Home)

Our partner, Amplifying Voices Pakistan, is working with community activists in Sargodha district in Punjab province, to create new opportunies for women and young people. New Hope is one of the Bright Home group of projects, integrating community-centred media with vocational skills classes and other off-air activities

Bright Home (Roshan Ghar in Urdu) provides vocational classes for women or young people. In partnership with regional health care providers, health camps provide advice, medical checkup and basic medication.

Some class participants go on to do Media training as an additional route for building skills, self confidence, and for participating more widely in community life and wider society.

Women and young people from the community use media skills to create audio content that promotes social developments, good health and hygiene, and supports livelihood development. Content is aired via speakerbox and WhatsApp. As of 2023, some Roshan Ghar content is also broadcast from a local FM radio station.


When first invited to Sargodha district to implement a community-centred media project, Amplifying Voices Pakistans started off by listening. They heard women's aspirations for improved education opportunities for women and girls, opportunities for women to use their skills to earn a living, better health services, and better access to clean water and hygiene facilities.

Around this time, the first Bright Home pilot in Nowshera was proving an effective way to engage women and young girls in improving their own future, while engaging sensitively with local power brokers. Media activities are important for building local self-confidence and awareness, but local power-brokers want to see evidence that local concerns and goals are truly respected before they offer their buy-in. Bright Home projects start by creating livelihood opportunities and addressing health concerns to help create foundations for trust.

Our Role:

Provide support to Amplifying Voices Pakistan for project planning, including funding proposals and design of participatory community-based research and learning.

Read about Amplifying Voices Pakistan on their Facebook page.

Related stories:

Opening doors in Sargodha

Transitioning from sewing classes to live radio may seem like an odd route for a project to take. ...
Two women in radio studio

Amplifying with care

Through Bright Home groups, Amplifying Voices Pakistan promotes change at a pace that allows time for long-held cultural ...
a woman planting seeds

From rage to peace

Taking part in a "Bright Home" group helped six sisters to overcome their rage at having “nothing to ...
Six sisters in front of their home

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Radio: The One to Watch https://amplifyingvoices.uk/radio-the-one-to-watch Tue, 01 Feb 2022 20:43:56 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=3005 As our team explores new community radio opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa this month, we're convinced that radio remains the single most powerful medium for community development in the region.

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As the Amplifying Voices team explores new community radio opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa this month (watch this space), I am convinced that radio remains the single most powerful medium for community development in the region. A 2021 report by the International Telecommunications Union further points to the fact that in a continent with limited access to the internet and digital technologies, radio is a key to the content’s connectivity, with the highest audience and the widest geographical coverage, catering to roughly 800 million Africans that remain offline.

Sometimes looked down on as the poor relation of television and certainly considered old-fashioned compared to social media, radio is still the one to watch.  That may sound like a bad pun, but the influence of local community-centred radio is rising like never before.  It is still the most pervasive, accessible, affordable, and flexible mass medium available. In rural areas, it is often the only mass medium available.  Combine it with modern messaging apps like WhatsApp and social media like Facebook and put it in the hands of communities themselves, its power to influence change is unquestionable.  It expands the spaces for conversation where people can talk, listen and take action.

In conversations recently with leaders of the radio stations we helped set up, they recounted numerous stories of how community-centred radio has helped kick-start micro-enterprises, stopped a terrorist attack from taking place, become a forum for trauma-healing after violent conflict, combatted rumours and misinformation, empowered girls against sexual predators, helped improve food security, and become the only school for children during the Covid pandemic.

Central to all of these stories is that community-centred radio puts communities at the heart of the communication process, where they become agents of change not objects to change.  It helps connect communities with the expert service providers who are wanting to support positive change. It helps them to determine their own path to development and well-being.  It amplifies the voices of those whose voices have been lost or drowned out by those more powerful.

As our Amplifying Voices team anticipate a post-pandemic world, where we look forward to physically engaging again with partners, we’re excited about the many opportunities that are presenting themselves across Africa and Asia for community-centred radio and allied media projects.  Besides the misinformation that we witnessed during the pandemic, we also saw a plethora of unhelpful, top-down communication, rooted in telling, not listening. For that reason I am convinced, more than ever, that  Amplifying Voices has a really important role to play today, to challenge and redress this situation.

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Bright Home – Nowshera https://amplifyingvoices.uk/bright-home-nowshera Thu, 28 Oct 2021 16:45:47 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=3277 Amplifying Voices Pakistan supports communities in Nowshera to set up a vocational skills centres integrated with community-centred media.

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Rokhane-e-Kore (Bright Home)

Our partner, Amplifying Voices Pakistan, is working with local women in Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, to create new opportunies for women and young people. Light of the Dawn (Noor-e-Saher) is one of the Bright Home group of projects, integrating community-centred media with vocational skills classes and other off-air activities.

Bright Home (Rokhan-e-Kore in Pashtu) provides vocational classes for women or young people. In partnership with regional health care providers, health camps provide advice, medical checkup and basic medication.

Some class participants go on to do Media training as an additional route for building skills, self confidence, and for participating more widely in community life and wider society.

Women and young people from the community use media skills to create audio content that promotes social developments, good health and hygiene, and supports livelihood development. Content is aired via speakerbox and WhatsApp. As of 2023, some Rokan-e-kore content is also broadcast from a local FM radio station.


During community listening in Nowshera district we heard women's  aspirations for improved education opportunities for women and girls, opportunities for women to use their skills to earn a living, better health services, and better access to clean water and hygiene facilities.

During earlier projects in Nowshera we found that some activities are more sensitive than others. For example, although media activities are important for building local self-confidence and awareness, local power-brokers want to see evidence that local concerns and goals are truly respected before they offer their buy-in. Bright Home projects start by creating livelihood opportunities and addressing health concerns to help create foundations for trust.

Our Role:

Provide support to Amplifying Voices Pakistan for project planning, including funding proposals and design of participatory community-based research and learning.

Visit the Amplifying Voices Pakistan Facebook page.

Outcome stories:

Amplifying with care

Through Bright Home groups, Amplifying Voices Pakistan promotes change at a pace that allows time for long-held cultural ...
a woman planting seeds

Things no-one talks about

Bright Home (or Rokhan-e-Kore in Pashtu) helps women to create new opportunities for themselves and their families in ...

Listen – then listen again

In a village in Pakistan, we were recently reminded why it is so important to listen, then listen ...
Iterative listening

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Workshopping remotely in Malawi https://amplifyingvoices.uk/workshopping-remotely-in-malawi Wed, 25 Aug 2021 08:00:16 +0000 https://amplifyingvoices.uk/?p=3086 On Thursday 12 August, we held a remote community workshop with partners Hope for Relief and Community Development Network (CDN) in Chitipa, Malawi. This is our first experience of starting a new project without visiting the community first. This presents a challenge … how could we honour our commitment to listening to community members, to…

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On Thursday 12 August, we held a remote community workshop with partners Hope for Relief and Community Development Network (CDN) in Chitipa, Malawi. This is our first experience of starting a new project without visiting the community first.

This presents a challenge … how could we honour our commitment to listening to community members, to hearing the stories, concerns and aspirations that will guide the project? We are delighted to be working with Hope for Relief and CDN who held a community consultation with members of Kawale community, on the outskirts of Chitipa at the end of July. Thoko from CDN and Richard from Hope for Relief worked closely with us to understand the questions we had for the community.

Some things that we learned …

  • Around a third of the meeting participants use WhatsApp to communicate. These were mainly younger people, professionals, leaders and business people.
  • People feel that the lack of a community radio station is hindering community development as it slows down communication.
  • They like the idea of using speakerboxes to share community media … several people in the community already use speakerboxes for playing music.
  • Another way of communicating in Kawale is through the chief’s messengers who go about in the village spreading information. They use a drum to get people’s attention. When people hear a drum they know that there is a special message from the chief about to come.

We used WhatsApp video calls alongside some pre-recorded training videos to introduce the community-centred media approach to five community volunteers and three project workers who met in the CDN office. The workshop participants sent us photos of flipcharts with their responses to discussion exercises. The participants spoke Lambya (the local language of Chitipa) during the discussions. This made it a very strange experience as a trainer – not being able to participate fully, and only seeing some sections of the discussion, it was a good exercise in placing our trust in the local partner to facilitate the learning process.

Woman facilitating workshop

Thoko facilitates workshop in Chitipa, Aug 2021

But why the rush, why hold a remote community workshop not just wait until next year and go and visit?

Malawi, similarly to surrounding African countries, has just passed through the peak of a third wave of Covid-19 infections, which is of particular concern because of the impact and potential for further spread in rural areas coupled with the slow progress in vaccinations.

Malawi has so far received only a small about amount of vaccine (700k doses, for an adult population of 11 million). We also learned that people are reluctant to get the vaccine because of rumours such as:

  • Coivd-19 is not for Malawians but for Chinese or white people.
  • If someone accesses the vaccine he or she will become infertile.
  • If someone gets vaccinated, he or she will be infected by the HIV virus.
  • The vaccine is there to reduce the population of the people.
  • If someone gets vaccinated he or she will reduce his lifespan.

The Kawale Community Voices project will initially focus on addressing the concerns or fears that drive these Covid rumours, by encouraging community dialogue about Covid vaccines based on access to reliable information sources.

Based on our experience in India and Uganda, we know that creating podcasts and distributing speakerboxes is a rapidly deployable and reliable way to get people talking, listening and taking action to reduce the impact of Covid-19. Speakerboxes are available in local markets, and podcasts can be created using voice recorder and a laptop.

However, we also recognise that radio is the community’s preferred media source. In the medium term, once we are able to visit the community in person, we hope to support Kawale’s residents and service providers to develop a community-centred radio station.

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Naway Saher – Charsadda https://amplifyingvoices.uk/naway-saher-charsadda-pakistan Mon, 04 Nov 2019 23:46:40 +0000 http://healthcomm.48in48sites.org/?p=881 In a village near Charsadda, in north west Pakistan, Amplifying Voices Pakistan has trained community volunteers to produce community-centred radio programmes. The programmes tackle issues raised by community members, and encourage everybody to be involved in dialogue. Naway Saher is breaking down barriers between community groups that were traditionally separated by cultural and religious factors.…

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In a village near Charsadda, in north west Pakistan, Amplifying Voices Pakistan has trained community volunteers to produce community-centred radio programmes. The programmes tackle issues raised by community members, and encourage everybody to be involved in dialogue. Naway Saher is breaking down barriers between community groups that were traditionally separated by cultural and religious factors. This project, which started in response to floods in 2010, combines on-air and off-air activities to promote health, dialogue and inclusion.

What: Naway Saher, Pashto for ‘New Dawn’ is a Community services group working as CBO for resolving issues and community matters along with having youth mobilizing programme. Naway Saher activities include:

  • FM radio programme which is run by community, produced by the community.

  • New production team of community volunteers (men and women) trained to produce content for FM radio programmes.

  • Youth sport programme started daily in the evening from October 2018.

  • Health service clinic for poor patients with free medicine donated by friends, and mobile motorbike service.

  • Community health slips with minimum charges for medicine and check up.

  • Clean water well for communities

Outcomes: Community members are gathering together to listen to radio

Community members are discussing health hygiene issues they hear on the radio and making changes to practice.

Community members are motivated to be included in creating programming that addresses local issues.

Women and young girls are participating in community health education and in radio production.

Our Role: Facilitation, project design, consultancy, training of community members.

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