We are amplifying voices

Equipping communities with media tools to get people talking, listening, and taking action to improve local health, well-being and resilience.

Backpack radio for Gaza

In a matter of weeks from now, we hope to see a much-needed humanitarian radio station going on air in Gaza. We asked our partner Mike Adams of Rapid Response Radio, to share his reflection…

Tree planting to restore dignity and peace

A tree planting campaign took root in radio shows, grew into shared community activity, and could bear fruit with far-reaching consequences for gender, climate, and peace in Morobo County, South Sudan.

Amplifying Climate Solutions in Tana River

As we celebrate World Radio Day and the role radio plays in climate change, we look at how one station is making a dramatic difference to communities in Kenya.

Opening doors in Sargodha

Going live on local FM radio, woman and girls from the Roshan Ghar project are creating new opportunities and opening new doors for rural listeners near Sargodha.

Amplifying Voices - Projects

pashtun women in a sewing class
- Pakistan -

Bright Home – Nowshera

Rokhane-e-Kore (Bright Home) Our partner, Amplifying Voices Pakistan, is working with local women in Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkwa, to create new opportunies for women and ...
- Australia -

Radio MAMA – WA Mid West

Radio MAMA is an Indigenous broadcaster based in three rural and remote locations in Western Australia’s Mid West. Radio MAMA and HCR strengthen community engagement ...
Group of people around studio desk
- Pakistan -- UK -

Amplifying Voices in Disaster

Amplifying Voices in Disaster - Goal That community voices play a central role in humanitarian responses, and communities recover quickly from disaster, growing in confidence, ...
Marwari women in a sewing class
- Pakistan -

Bright Home – Cholistan

Roshni-Ro-Ghar (Bright Home) Our partner, Amplifying Voices Pakistan is working with a Marwari community in the desert region, Cholistan, to create new opportunies for women ...


0 active projects

0+ years of experience

0 countries

Amplifying Voices in 2023

Media content - on-air activities

  • Advice & Information

  • Discussions

  • Drama

Exploring themes raised by communities

  • Health promotion

  • Hygiene

  • Children's education

  • Natural resources

  • Displacement

  • Peace-building

  • Women and girls on-air

  • Safeguarding

  • Trauma recovery

Going into communities

  • Listening

  • Engagement

  • Mapping

Supporting off-air activities

  • Vocational skills

  • Savings groups

  • ICT for women and girls

  • Health camps

  • Access to clean water

  • Improving schools

  • Seeds for kitchen gardens

  • Farming cooperatives

Amplifying Voices 2013-2023

Media Mentions

CDAC Network Logo

CDAC Network - Pakistan Flood Response

CDAC Network and Amplifying Voices co-penned a blog post the importance of radio in disaster, based on the AViD (Amplifying Voices in Disaster) response to Pakistan floods in 2022.

CDAC Network Logo
Footsteps shared learning magazine

Footsteps by Tearfund Learn

Footsteps magazine focusses on participatory media. There is one article on community-centred media from Amplifying Voices, and a 'how-to' article on community-centred podcasts based on our speakerbox projects


Footsteps shared learning magazine

"Let it be as Local as possible"

"Let it be as local as possible" is a quote from Community Development Centre's Barnabas Samuel in the Participation and Local Leadership section of DW Akademies's report on engaging with communities affected by displacement.

CDAC Network Logo

CDAC Network - World Radio Day 2020

CDAC Network hosted a guest blog from Amplifying Voices about the disaster radio response in Mozambique after Cyclone Idai. At the time of posting, we were known as Health Communication Resources (HCR), and were members of a First Response Radio (FRR) network.

CDAC Network Logo
Worthing Herald Logo

Worthing Herald - Cyclone Idai Report - 2019

Worthing Herald (paper version) published an article about the Cyclone Idai response. At the time of writing we were known as Health Communication Resources (HCR).

Worthing Herald Logo

Medium - Alice Stout - 2019

Alice Stout, writing for Medium, reflects on the power of community-centred media following a trip to Maharashtra to document to the work of SEVA Social Welfare Foundation among Adivasi communities.

(Original article published in Liberti Magazine, Summer 2019 Edition)


UN OCHA - ROSEA - 2019

Rita Maingi from UNOCHA published "Mozambique: A radio programme for women is back on air after Cyclone Idai destroyed the station" referring to our Cyclone Idai response. At the time we were known as Health Communication Resources (HCR) and working as part of a First Response Radio (FRR) network.

Worthing Herald Logo

Worthing Herald - 2018

Sussex Express (Worthing Herald) news report on our blog campaign, 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women. (Dec 2018)

Worthing Herald Logo