Amplifying Voices in Pakistan

Hazeen Latif

Emmanuel Anwar
HCR Foundation Pakistan is Amplifying Voices in Pakistan as it seeks to empower communities to bring about transformation. We honour the communities we work with by handing over the microphone to community members. We trust local people will bring change in their lives as we promote dialogue, peace and love among communities of all faiths.
- We want to see communities live in peace and a spirit of forgiveness, respecting the rights of others especially women and children.
We want to see communities flourish and live healthy lives (physical, mental and spiritual)
We want to see people, who were once marginalized, engaging in society and becoming a voice for those who are still not heard.
Projects in Pakistan
HCR Foundation Pakistan provides equipment, training and mentoring to three partners in Pakistan.
Naway Saher (New Dawn) community services group in Charsadda, KPK.
New Hope youth-led community action group in Juharabad, Punjab.
Community Media Power connecting communities near Nowshera, KPK.
These partners are using a community-centred media approach to promote community health, dialogue, and social cohesion.
In 2018, our CEO, Hazeen Latif, supported FRR International, to train and commission a First Response Radio (FRR) Pakistan team. FRR equips and trains teams formed from radio broadcasters, NGOs and Government partners to respond in time of disaster. FRR Pakistan response uses a community-centred radio approach to keep dialogue and critical information flowing in time of disaster. The goal is to set up a radio station for the affected community within 72 hours of a disaster.