There is an old proverb that says, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” At Amplifying Voices we’ve come to realise that if we really want to help alleviate poverty, we need to go even further – we need to teach people to start “fishing businesses”, so they can feed themselves, their families and their communities, for all time.
To that end, in partnership with Aid For Trade and supported by the Andrews Charitable Trust, we recently launched the YES (Young Entrepreneurs’ Startup) project, in an area of eastern Kenya’s Tana River County, where poverty is widespread. Using the newly established radio station, Amani FM, the project involves an innovative mix of creative radio programmes, live ‘phone-in discussions, social media interaction and workshops to encourage local people, irrespective of their education, to develop their business ideas and then put them into action. By the end of the workshops, budding entrepreneurs will be able to develop business plans, the best of which will be eligible for low-interest loans. As the resulting businesses get going, the radio station will closely follow the development of these enterprises, encouraging new would-be entrepreneurs to have a go.