The Next Ten

Eighteen months ago, Nanda could not read or write – today she regularly reads stories to her parents! The ADIVASI VOICES PROJECT is changing the lives of Nanda and others in her remote tribal community in Maharashtra, India. Her teacher says, “Thanks to the project there is now 100% school attendance and there are more girls in school than boys. You have helped parents see the value of education.”
The project centres around a simple “speakerbox” with pre-loaded podcasts that have been dramatically changing lives over the last year. Everyday they hear programmes on issues that have enslaved them in a cycle of poverty and injustice for centuries. The head of the village says, “Thanks to your project, we have a new mindset, which has transformed our attitudes and behaviours forever.”
In 2020 this project will expand to 10 new areas, reaching thousands of people, to provide many families with their own solar-powered speakerboxes, with regularly updated content that could literally save their lives.