Radio MAMA builds resilience in the face of Covid-19

We asked yesterday how the Radio MAMA content on Coronavirus is developing and what community members make of the radio content. The feedback from the community so far is they are happy with the balance of information Radio MAMA is providing them. Radio MAMA is limiting their information sources to Government and WHO to avoid confusion. As a community-centred project, Radio MAMA recognises that reliable information about the virus is only part of the picture. A real strength of community-based organisations is their relationship with local people. Radio MAMA is a source of psycho-social support during a highly stressful period. On the prevention side, they are increasing messaging to tackle suicide, alcohol and other drugs and family violence. They are also promoting hope by working with community members to develop messages on how to stay connected to one another even if you can’t physically interact, and encouraging people to help older people to access Skype and Facetime to stay connected. In addition, Radio MAMA team is also keeping spirits high by playing Aussie music and trying to support local/national artists who have had to cancel concert.
We hope that by promoting ongoing connected-ness, by injecting a flavour of normality to exceptional circumstances, and by tackling negative coping methods, we continue to contribute to better mental health in the community.