5 tasks of community-centred media

Community-centred media should achieve the following 5 tasks. Each of the tasks aim to get community voices working alongside service providers and experts.
Inform -- community members about activities or services that are relevant to them. Consult with community members to identify the key information needs. Ideally engage community members to voice information messages.
Educate -- to increase skills and influence changes in attitude and behaviour. Community consultation should identify the areas for development where new skills or attitudes are needed or desirable. Community members should play a role in creating and assessing educational content.
Advocate -- highlighting the real situations for local community members to those in power. Stories about local action to overcome local challenges can be a powerful advocacy tool to trigger those in power to get on board with a popular local intiative.
Social learning and dialogue -- contribute to household and community decision-making and social capital by creating opportunity for self-expression, promoting mutual understanding, building consensus, and developing cultural identity.
Entertain -- community-centred media for community change should not be boring! Content should attract, inspire and encourage people to listen further. Entertainment is a great way to celebrate local strengths.
Public service broadcasters such as the BBC talk about their media objectives, to inform, educate and entertain. We also share these objectives, but have added social dialogue and advocacy. The 5 tasks reflect the strength of community-centred media in empowering local communities to take the lead in the conversations and learning that need to happen for change to occur.
(Read more - 5 tasks applied to COVID19 response)