Radio Gandingan – Mindanao, Philippines

In Mindanao, Radio Gandingan (RG) is an educational and advocacy radio program that is produced by community members. Community Radio Volunteers (CRVs) from marginalised communities participate in the design, gathering and presentation of audio for radio programs. Listeners say the radio program has contributed to a reduction of community violence and an increase in positive family dynamics.
Our Role: HCR raised funds for and delivered consultancy and training in using radio programming for health and social development. The project also receives financial assistance from international partnering organisations.
Outcomes: Trained marginalised communities and disabled people to participate in the design, gathering and presentation of audio for radio programs. Listeners say the radio program has contributed to a reduction of community violence and increased family dynamics. Listeners report major personal, family and community behaviour change that improve health and social capital outcomes as well as reduce inter-religious tensions. Volunteers who participate for a number of years are trained to become trainers to volunteers from new villages that ask to take part in the RG project. A series of sequenced evaluations since 2004 shows positive transformation has taken place in every aspect of the project. E.g. a Realist Evaluation published in 2019.