Radio supports digital learning in Kenya

Adopting technology for learning is attractive in the digital era. It gives a sense that we are changing the old for the new. But technology itself is not transformative. Education technology is not about devices or exchanging a blackboard for a computer screen or tablet.
However with one in three children around the world lacking access to a quality basic education, low-cost, open source, digital learning solutions are making learning accessible to the most marginalised communities. We’re excited to be learning from and exploring with like-minded agencies like Elimu in Kenya, how community radio stations in Africa could also become hubs for distributing digital learning content to young learners.
Later this year, in collaboration with Elimu, our partner station, Amani FM in eastern Kenya hopes to become a pilot distribution hub for digital educational content to school rooms and homes across the district. Making use of the Amani FM tower, Elimu would be able to distribute lessons to pupils directly but without expensive internet costs and with increased security for these young students. Elimu is testing the Kolibri digital learning platform in schools in Eastern Kenya to enable students to access digital learning tools which do not require an internet connection. Content can be accessed by any Wifi-enabled device, including tablets provided by the government, or via a projector for group learning.
Complimented by education programmes on radio, an interactive digital environment could allow students to navigate learning at a pace and speed that is comfortable to them. It’s about putting learners and their learning needs at the heart of the education process.
Watch this space…