Posts by Johnny Fisher
Tree planting to restore dignity and peace
A tree planting campaign took root in radio shows, grew into shared community activity, and could bear fruit with far-reaching consequences for gender, climate, and peace in Morobo County, South Sudan.
Read MoreGoing on air in a drought
Simooya Community Radio is now on air on 94.3 FM. What has made it worth putting effort into getting a new community radio station on air, when villagers are suffering from a severe drought?
Read MoreSafer to greet
On roads, once too dangerous to travel, people in the South Sudanese district of Morobo are finding it safer to greet strangers again, thanks to Hope Village podcasts.
Read MoreTransforming life in the village
In Zambia’s Southern Province, “in the village” is a euphemism for isolation and lack. People don’t want “in the village” to always have connotations of poverty. Simooya community hopes that the new radio station will help villagers experience “fullness of life” instead.
Read MoreA new community radio station for Southern Zambia
Pemba district, one of few places in Southern Zambia without local radio, is ready for a new community radio station. Amplifying Voices and our partners are ready too.
Read MoreNew roots in Scotland
Amplifying Voices is setting down new roots in Scotland. Having registered in January, we celebrated with friends in Duns in May.
Read MoreConnecting people aids trauma recovery
Listeners from the Soot Semee project in Northern Uganda have been helping us to understand how connection can be a key element of trauma recovery.
Read MoreSoot Semee raises up new leaders
Audio programmes for South Sudanese refugees are proving instrumental in raising up new community leaders in Omugo Zone, northern Uganda.
Read MoreWhat does peace look like to you?
Although Soot Semee started off as a peacebuilding project, its programmes don’t stop at conflict prevention. They enable an environment where people can flourish. So what does peace look like for community members?
Read MorePeacebuilding across borders
Our partner in South Sudan and Uganda is developing community-centred media projects that promote peace between authorities and local communities, and between host and refugee communities across the borders region.
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