Workshopping remotely in Malawi
By Johnny Fisher |
On Thursday 12 August, we held a remote community workshop with partners Hope for Relief and Community Development Network (CDN) in Chitipa, Malawi. This is our first experience of starting a new project without visiting the community first. This presents a challenge … how could we honour our commitment to listening to community members, to…
My voice has cleared the air
By Jon Hargreaves |
For many years Sangeetha has suffered from coughing and shortness of breath, like many of her friends in Kahandol village in central Maharashtra. During a medical camp last year, Doctor Chavan told her she had a smoke-related illness called “Dama” (asthma). He condition had been caused by years of breathing in the thick smoke from…
Juharabad youth are ready for emergencies
By Johnny Fisher and Hazeen Latif |
The New Hope team in Juharabad held a first aid training event for young people in their community this week. Representatives from the government’s 1122 Rescue team gave the training. There were around 35 participants at the event. This is an unusual opportunity for young people in this community and will provide a valuable skill…
Vaccine readiness in Adivasi communities
By Johnny Fisher |
The news from Seva, our partner in Maharashtra, India, is that despite Covid-19 spreading rapidly even in the most remote Adivasi villages, communities that have speakerboxes programmes are resisting the worst of the pandemic through robust hygiene practice and vaccine readiness. In Dhule district, Seva had trained a team from another partner organisation (much the…
Amy paves the way for Amplify Champions
By Alice Stout |
Amy Hargreaves decided to dedicate her first half marathon to Amplifying Voices, raising an incredible amount for our charity. I caught up with her after race day to hear about the whole experience… Well done on your first half marathon! How’d you find it? It was a bit daunting, if I’m honest. I signed up…
An Everyday Hero of Freetown
By Alice Stout |
After meeting a team from Amplifying Voices’ local partner, Dennis from Sierra Leone became inspired to positively impact his community by becoming a champion of change. Dennis is from the New England area of the capital. His neighbourhood is teeming with people. After hundreds of thousands flocked to Freetown following the civil war, people made…
Talking Shop
By Johnny Fisher |
Rose owns a shop in Omugo 4 refugee settlement in Uganda. It’s a place where people exchange news. Her ‘talking shop’ has just had an upgrade.
Community champions extend an invitation
By Johnny Fisher and Hazeen Latif |
Amplifying Voices Pakistan were recently invited to Nowshera in KPK by an enthusiastic group of socially-minded people who want to learn what community-centred media is all about.
Refugees act to get vital information
By Johnny Fisher |
Soot Semee podcasts are proving their value, as more and more community members are finding ways to access the podcasts.
Covid’s most important public health message
By Jon Hargreaves |
“It’s the most important public health message that is now becoming famous all over Nashik,” Shilpa told me, as they placed more speakerboxes in clinics across the city at the invitation of the Municipal Corporation. Which message is that, I asked. “That we love our neighbour as ourselves,” she said. “On top of all the…