Vox Radio Goes Regional
By Jon Hargreaves |
After months of planning, Vox Radio is now live from Minjilla and also relaying to central Tana River from the regional capital, Hola. Meanwhile the launch of a new ICT initiative for the region is attracting national attention.
“The Radio gives us security”
By Jon Hargreaves |
During a recent visit to North Kivu, communities told us how Umoja FM has been a lifeline for them during war and crises, while the team prepares for the next phase of the project.
Re-engaging in Congo (DRC)
By Jon Hargreaves |
Writing en route to our first visit in 5 years to Umoja FM in Nobili DRC, Jon & Johnny look ahead, while reflecting on this resilient station’s role through recent crises.
Connecting people aids trauma recovery
By Johnny Fisher |
Listeners from the Soot Semee project in Northern Uganda have been helping us to understand how connection can be a key element of trauma recovery.
Soot Semee raises up new leaders
By Johnny Fisher |
Audio programmes for South Sudanese refugees are proving instrumental in raising up new community leaders in Omugo Zone, northern Uganda.
Local Peace Heroes
By Jon Hargreaves |
Tana River’s Vox Radio team receives recognition for its contribution to peace-building, as plans take shape for the region’s first ICT hub.
What does peace look like to you?
By Johnny Fisher |
Although Soot Semee started off as a peacebuilding project, its programmes don’t stop at conflict prevention. They enable an environment where people can flourish. So what does peace look like for community members?
A Game Changer in Tana River
By Jon Hargreaves |
Following the amazing impact of our peace building project in eastern Kenya, Amplifying Voices and the Amani Centre are about to embark on our most ambitious journey yet…
Peacebuilding across borders
By Johnny Fisher |
Our partner in South Sudan and Uganda is developing community-centred media projects that promote peace between authorities and local communities, and between host and refugee communities across the borders region.
Exploring in Southern Zambia
By Johnny Fisher |
Amplifying Voices is embarking on a new community-centred media journey in Zambia. We are exploring opportunities with a new partner, Chibozu Community Trust as they pursue their goal to set up a community radio station in Simooya, Southern Zambia. Milden and Catherine Choongo We’d love to introduce you to Milden Choongo and his wife Catherine,…