New Name for a Trusted Voice
By Jon Hargreaves |
This morning thousands of radio listeners woke up in eastern Kenya’s Tana River County to a new sound, as the presenter cheerfully announced, “Habari Tana River, you’re listening to Vox Radio. The name may be new, but this is a trusted friend…
Radio drama in Sierra Leone
By Johnny Fisher |
Welcome to Saltville – the Freetown neighbourhood setting for a new 15-episode radio drama, based on community household visits and designed to stimulate wider conversations around living with Covid19 in Sierra Leone.
Ting-listening in Yumbe
By Johnny Fisher |
The Ting character illustrates a whole-person way of listening that we aim for with our partners. In this audio blog, Barnabas describes Ting-listening in action in Uganda.
Football Brings Women Peacemakers Together
By Fatma Mzee (Guest Contributor) |
Organised and broadcast live on Tana River’s Amani FM for Mothers Day, a women’s football tournament has not only proved hugely popular, it enabled women to take a lead in promoting peaceful engagement ahead of August’s elections.
Launching peacebuilding media in Yei
By Johnny Fisher |
Johnny and Anthony (from Community Development Centre, Uganda), supported community members in Yei River County to develop skills and plans for launching a peacebuilding media initiative. The conflict situation is very complex …
Soot Semee – Two years of building peace
By Johnny Fisher |
Johnny makes his first face to face visit with Soot Semee since Covid started, joining a special event in northern Uganda to celebrate two years of building peace in Omugo 4 village.
Amani FM – Changing the Narrative
By Jon Hargreaves |
As Kenya moves towards a high-stakes election, the team at Amani FM in Tana River is challenging some of the narratives that are fuelling tension.
A trusted friend in times of conflict
By Jon Hargreaves |
Can you really forgive people who have committed terrible acts of violence? A learning review from the DRC, shows how Umoja FM has become a trusted friend in a time of conflict…
Podcasts replace isolation in Uganda
By Johnny Fisher |
The Soot Semee team in Uganda, work hard to create podcasts to bring people together, fighting the isolation experienced by many refugees from South Sudan…
Radio: The One to Watch
By Jon Hargreaves |
As our team explores new community radio opportunities in sub-Saharan Africa this month, we’re convinced that radio remains the single most powerful medium for community development in the region.