Building peace in an ever-fractious world
By Fatma Mzee (Guest Contributor) |
Working to transform conflict in a county in Eastern Kenya, Fatma Mzee, shares how in a fractious world with divisive media, radio and the internet can be a powerful tool for peace.
Competing for Umoja
By Jon Hargreaves |
They’ve done it! Our Amplifying Voices triathlon team in the UK is grateful for the very generous donations to support the valuable peace building work of Umoja FM in North Kivu.
A new community radio station for Southern Zambia
By Johnny Fisher |
Pemba district, one of few places in Southern Zambia without local radio, is ready for a new community radio station. Amplifying Voices and our partners are ready too.
Vox Radio Goes Regional
By Jon Hargreaves |
After months of planning, Vox Radio is now live from Minjilla and also relaying to central Tana River from the regional capital, Hola. Meanwhile the launch of a new ICT initiative for the region is attracting national attention.
“The Radio gives us security”
By Jon Hargreaves |
During a recent visit to North Kivu, communities told us how Umoja FM has been a lifeline for them during war and crises, while the team prepares for the next phase of the project.
Re-engaging in Congo (DRC)
By Jon Hargreaves |
Writing en route to our first visit in 5 years to Umoja FM in Nobili DRC, Jon & Johnny look ahead, while reflecting on this resilient station’s role through recent crises.
Connecting Communities
By Jon Hargreaves |
After hearing many of each other’s stories over speakerboxes, remote Adivasi communities in Maharashtra met each other for the first time to share remarkable stories of transformation.
Things no-one talks about
By Johnny Fisher and Hazeen Latif |
Bright Home helps Pakistani women create new opportunities. We hear how Amplifying Voices navigates challenging cultural barriers and norms, and discusses things no-one talks about.
Now we are ten
By Jon Hargreaves |
As we celebrate our 10th Anniversary, join us on a journey as we look back over the last ten years of supporting communities facing crises.
New roots in Scotland
By Johnny Fisher |
Amplifying Voices is setting down new roots in Scotland. Having registered in January, we celebrated with friends in Duns in May.